Tuesday, September 19, 2017

CT Results

Yay for no spread of the cancer! I got the best voicemail from my urologist today:

"Everything looks pretty good. They see some post-op changes in the bladder which are normal after a cystoscopy and resecting that area. Otherwise, nothing that looks to be outside of the bladder or any other unusual findings so that's good news. Overall we're happy with how the CT looks. We'll see you for your resection in a couple of weeks. I hope you're doing okay. I'm thinking about you. Have a good one. Bye."

Music to my ears. <3

Thursday, September 14, 2017

CT today

Today is the day of my CT urogram. It's 1am and I haven't gone to bed yet. Partially because I'm making dessert for my son's football team for tonight's dinner, and partially because I'm a little anxious and can't just fall asleep. I'm not worried to have the test. I just hope and pray so much that the cancer hasn't spread at all. I believe that it hasn't. But the way my luck has gone medically this year, God only knows how it will go. I'm hoping He knows it will be good news.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Slight change in plan

My surgery that was scheduled for September 18 has been moved to the 25th. Gives me a little more time before going back under anesthesia, so I'm okay with that.