Monday, January 15, 2018

Spreading the Word

Surgery date is quickly approaching. More and more people have asked questions and have heard bits and pieces, so I decided to make what I'm going through "public." I posted the following on Facebook yesterday. The response has been very kind. I'm sharing this with you in case you want to take the same step and need some inspiration or encouragement on what to say. <3


This may be a long one, but I promised an explanation, so...
We just got home from a wonderful family weekend up north. Between birthday and Christmas gifts, most of the trip was covered, so yay.🙂 The timing of the trip was tough with our busy schedule, but it was necessary because...
In three weeks, I’ll be having surgery that will keep me home bound for a (hopefully little) while. The surgery is one that will greatly reduce my risk of developing a cancer that has taken many of my family members and that several are fighting right now. All because...
I found out in March that I have a gene mutation that greatly increases my risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. If you’re female and don’t have this gene mutation, your chance of developing breast cancer is 12%. My chance is 85%. Your chance of developing ovarian cancer is .01%. Mine, until preventive surgery I had two months ago, was 50% (and now my chance is 0%).
I want to be as healthy as I can and live as long as I can. I want to take care of my kids, not make them take care of me. I want to be there for and with my family and friends. When I have a chance to eliminate or greatly reduce the chance of developing a terminal illness that I have a very good chance of developing, I’m going to do it. I have watched family members of mine fight a lot of cancer. Some are in remission, some are still fighting, and some are rooting me on from Heaven. I want to make educated decisions with the help of my amazing doctors and I want to fight this cruddy genetic hand I’ve been dealt.
And while I’m talking health stuff and telling some of my “secrets”, I should tell you this too. Along the health road I described above, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. I am so fortunate, though! The cancer was found very early (it wouldn’t have been if not for a pre-op appointment for the genetic mess), treatment has worked so far, I have the best oncological urologist ever, and the family and friends I’ve told have been overly kind and supportive. At this time, there is no evidence of cancer in my body and we can forge on ahead in dealing with the other stuff.
I tell you all of this for several reasons. Sometimes it really presses on my heart and mind to talk about the road I’ve been traveling. I have good days and bad days. Physically things are fine, really. Emotionally can get a bit rough at times. If your family has a significant history of breast and/or ovarian cancer, I want you to get tested for the mutation. If you’re related to me through my dad’s family, I want you to get tested for the mutation. If you see me after my next surgery, I’d love a hug and a smile rather than to be stared at (there will be some physical changes as part of this next surgery). Words of encouragement for my husband and kids would be awesome, as this journey is one they’re walking with me.
Was this all “too much information” to share on the Internet? Possibly, and I’m sure some of you think “definitely.” But if I’m Facebook friends with you, it’s because I want to be and because I care about you. I don’t get to see all of you in person. I haven’t seen some of you in years. But selfishly, I want your prayers and positive thoughts. And if you were going through a rough spot in life, I’d want to know so I could pray for you too.
So there you go. Now go hug your family, thank God for your health, and enjoy your evening. I plan to. 

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