Tuesday, April 18, 2017

An Update

My appointment with Dr. Rizk (breast surgeon) went as I expected it to. She's on board with my plan (as best as I could sketch it out for her). She wants me to follow up with her after my appointments with the oncological gynecologist and the geneticist. So I'll likely be back to her in September.

After more drama (that I'll spare you from), I was able to reschedule my breast MRI. I go this Sunday, this time to Ann Arbor. I'm anxious again, and contemplating asking my doc to order something for me to calm my nerves, but I also just want to get it over with.

I learned today that the MRI alone is going to cost me over $2,000 out of pocket. That is almost my entire deductible. For that reason, I am seriously contemplating getting everything done this year. It would save me $2,500 next year. I'm not trying to be flip about it; just trying to be realistic about finances. I can't financially afford to do all of this, but I can't physically or emotionally/mentally afford to not get get it all done.

I learned today that another first cousin tested positive for the BRCA1 mutation. She's had one sister die of breast cancer that metastacized in her brain and she had one sister diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer (though the second sister is finishing up treatment very soon). Just another example of why we need this testing and to be informed. I feel like my family is somewhat doomed. At least we have knowledge and are empowered to make decisions for ourselves.

So there ya go; that's what's going on right now. Now to (dreadfully) count down the days until Sunday...

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