Friday, April 7, 2017

Update and Thoughts

It's been a while since I've had a chance to update here. My husband was in the hospital for five days and is still unable to get a shoe on his foot, let alone walk or work. We had to cancel our vacation. We've been to a ton of doctor appointments and gone for lab work and an ultrasound. He's still not doing well and is in constant pain. It's been crappy.

Back to the BRCA stuff. I was uncomfortable with my gynecologist's plan of (in)action. I asked lots of other people in the same boat I am what they thought and 100% said waiting is a mistake and to get a second opinion. I now have an appointment in Ann Arbor with a gynecologist who specializes in BRCA mutations. I took his first available appointment, which is in June. I had scheduled the ultrasound I asked my gyn for but am calling to cancel it. I am going to see what this other doc says. Even waiting until June, I feel better about this.

My appointments in Ann Arbor start next week. I am feeling good yet nervous about them. I am most curious about what the plastic surgeon recommends and about when the surgeon recommends I have the double mastectomy done. If the surgeon is comfortable waiting until next summer, that's my ideal due to short-term disability at work (if I have the surgery before April 2018, I won't get paid for my time off). If I have to have it sooner, I'd like to have it done this winter, while the kids are off of school for a couple of weeks.

I was approved by my insurance company to have my MRI at a different location. As soon as I start my period this month, that will get scheduled. This place was phenomenal on the phone and I feel as comfortable as possible in working with them. Now I just want to get it done and over with.

That's it for now. Some upcoming appointments, some waiting, and a little less anxiety for the time being.

Now I'm going to enjoy the day with my kiddos. Back to work for me and school for them on Monday, so we've got three days of spring break/vacation left to have fun and make memories. <3

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