Monday, August 21, 2017

The Diagnosis and Updates

Caught up in life, I haven't posted in a while. The good news is that there's good news. :)

I was officially diagnosed with low-grade papillary carcinoma. So yes, I have bladder cancer. But the doctor thinks she got it all out during the TURBT. Because of an "unusual inverted growth pattern", she is planning to do a repeat TURBT. If there is no regrowth then, we'll move on to monitoring endoscopically in the office (through cystoscopies, I assume) as long as need be. In her words "we'll be seeing a lot of each other for a long time." I'm okay with that. The reassurances will be good, as bladder cancer is one that often reoccurs.

Dr. H. said she expected from the beginning that she'd have bad news for me at this point. She really thought it was much worse, as did I. I cried when she gave me my diagnosis, but they were 100% tears of relief. I was prepared to be told I have cancer (I knew it in my heart and my head); the actual status of my cancer was a complete relief. I was prepared for and expecting the worst.

I am scheduled for a CT urogram (to see if the cancer has spread at all) on September 15 and the repeat TURBT on September 18.

Dr. H.'s scheduler initially wanted to do both the CT urogram and TURBT on October 16. I asked if we can do it earlier due to the other surgeries (oophorectomy and mastectomy with reconstruction) I hope to get done this year. I got the call today that everything was able to be moved up a month. Dr. H. is incredible and understanding.

We did tell the kids I have cancer. We apparently prepared them well, as literally none of them cried when I told them. I had good news and a solid plan to share, so they are basically just supportive and relieved. I'm so grateful for that.

So on we go. A little peace until September 15.

I have a message into Dr. P.'s office, asking him to call me. I'm hoping he'll be willing to let me get on his schedule for October 13 for my oophorectomy. And then I'm hoping for my mastectomy and reconstruction between November 24 and December 1. Getting it all done this year will be a HUGE financial relief and not waiting and worrying longer will be a huge emotional/mental relief.

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