Monday, March 20, 2017

Relatable (Unfortunately)

I was recently welcomed into the BRCA Sisterhood Facebook group. If you're looking for support from women going through the same thing, you need to check it out. You have to be approved to join, but you'll understand and appreciate that once you are accepted to the group.

The very first post I read on that page was "Anyone have to start anti-anxiety meds after finding out about all this shit? I feel like I have mini panic attacks throughout the day worrying about what this mutation will do to me. Hoping it goes away after getting all the surgeries."

I don't think I've ever related to a total stranger's sentiment so strongly. And I wish I didn't this time. But seriously... I know I'm not, but I do feel like I'm going crazy. This stuff eats at you, all. the. time.

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