Friday, March 3, 2017

The Call

I got the call today. With the results of the genetic testing I had done two weeks ago. The doctor called to tell me that I tested positive for the BRCA1 mutation.

I held it together during the call, thanks to deep breathing and doing a lot more listening than talking.

And then I lost it after I hung up the phone.

I am scared. I do feel empowered with the knowledge, which is how I felt when I decided to have the testing done, but I am scared, which is also how I felt when I decided to have the testing done.

The plan now is to see a new geneticist (mine moved), get some more info, and then decide what to do.

At this time, I'm leaning toward the prophylactic double mastectomy, probably without reconstruction. But I don't know. I have a lot of questions. And the few friends I've asked for input have varying opinions and thoughts. I will feel much better about making a decision after I meet with the geneticist.

And I've also been told I'll need to consider an oophorectomy, as my chances for ovarian cancer are now considerably higher than normal as well.

So much to consider. Such big decisions to make.

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